L’albergo diffuso sul Wall Street Journal

Oggi siamo sul Wall Street Journal
TIME TO ADD another term to your “where should I stay” vocabulary: albergo diffuso. In Italian, it means “scattered hotels,” an idea hotel marketer Giancarlo Dall’Ara conceived in the early 1980s to preserve or revive small villages in Italy. Proprietors refurbish accommodations, typically spread throughout the town, as short-term rentals, letting travelers embed themselves in the community and locals benefit from the revitalization taking place.
Clearly albergo diffuso translates well: Here are other versions of the concept, in villages from Transylvania to Portugal.
GDA Giancarlo Dall'Ara Consulenze e progetti di marketing
Palazzo Maffei - 47866 Sant'Agata Feltria (RN)
tel. 0541 929777, fax 0541 929744 e-mail: giancarlo.dallara@gmail.com
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