The service design of the new generation of tourism: a case albergo diffuso model in Italy

昨今消費市場において指摘される顧客の成熟化は、観光産業においても同様の傾向が見られる。消費者のニーズはより潜在的かつ複雑化している。経験重視の観光を望み、旅先での「本物」の経験を要求する観光客が増加している。一方、持続可能な観光の概念はこの業界でより確立された分野となった。農村観光は持続可能な観光産業として扱われる中、 観光客は農村に滞在することによって本物の田舎生活を経験できると期待できるため、注目されている。



There is a tendency that consumers have become more demanding and complex, which is also observed in tourism industry. The notable trend of demand of tourists is a growing number of experience conscious customers and they concern authenticity of traveling destinations. On the other hand, sustainable tourism has become significant established form in the tourism sector. While rural tourism is regarded as sustainable tourism, it receives increasing attentions as tourists might experience authentic rural lives. Albergo diffuso (AD) is a hospitality model, developed in Italy, which provides hotel service in rural areas. Authenticity is particularly important in this service because of the stay at local style houses and interaction between tourists and local communities and cultures. While few studies currently investigate into marketing design of AD, identification of the service model might be beneficial for marketing of new tourism trend that is different from conventional mass tourism. Therefore, this study evaluates servicescape of AD based on service blueprinting and the conceptual framework of customer relationship management (CRM) is adopted in order to identify the strategic framework for the case study. It could enhance the research area of the conceptual framework of marketing for small size organisations as to whether it can be also adopted to the strategic management of these businesses. This study reveals that the case study offers unique themes and activities based on the characteristics of the local areas and it is a core feature of this case study that enables them to differentiate themselves from other tourism destinations. Tourists can experience authentic rural life in villages through the stay in the unique style of housings and involvement into various local activities. Service blueprinting for this case study needs to include local community’s action. Regarding adaptation of the strategic framework of CRM, the model helps to understand function of each element in order to create value. However, the framework cannot be adopted without the inclusion of local community in value creation process, multichannel integration process and performance assessment process.

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