New concept of sustainble hospitality. Albergo diffuso. Case: Borgo dei Corsi in Tuscany
Italy is recognized in the world as a country rich in history and culture, where charm, art and nature blend together by creating products to be offered in different markets. Italy therefore has, an immense patrimony, but not yet fully valued: this is the real problem of the country. Recently are emerging the so-called “Altre Italie” , represented by the cities and areas outside the traditional tourist routes and incorporated into less know itineraries, which represent that minor heritage to discover able to offer environmental and cultural resources that can enrich both the tourists and the local communities in which takes place the tourist activities. It is the principle to guide sustainable rural tourism, that is tourism phenomenon that affects the smaller localities and upland areas or rural areas in which it is possible to rediscover the authentic of the places, the nature and the landscape still untouched, living experiences in close contact with the Community and the value of identity of the places themselves. The phenomenon of tourism sustainable rural emerges as a response to the needs of the new generation of tourists, always more attentive to search for personalized offers and innovative, which include authentic products and representative of local cultures, rather than typical products of standardized holiday. You search the news through the discovery of nearby places, rich in tradition, wherein the rhythms proceed in close contact with those of nature, where you can find the value of the life of past time. The territory, in this context, assumes a new centrality, thanks to its specificity and natural and cultural able to make it a single resource but also economic. Over 50% of the tourists there to admire the European cultural heritage, are in search of original experiences and linked to the territory. This request of typicality and identity derives from the fact that you consider the concept of ancient as something good, positive, and increases the need for identification in an increasingly globalised world. 2 This requires constant commitment to the recovery and enhancement of the set of resources and local attractions. There are various segments in which this sector develops guided by sustainability, one of which is that of the tourism of the villages, no longer considered as mere proposals for integration with respect to a cultural city or to a destination resort neighboring, but instead seen as resources of lure and strong tourist attraction, able to give value to the geographical areas in which they are found. The tourism of the Villages currently expands on a network that involves numerous small italians villages, but expresses considerable developments also abroad, offering an important instrument for supporting the economic growth areas and rural areas subject of depopulation, restoring vitality through the offer of a quality tourism. As an expression of the central role that the territory and its resources assume in the production of wealth and competitive advantages, a new formulas of tourism enterprises, represented primarily by innovative examples in the field of tourist accommodation: there are in fact several small organizations arisen to enhance the historical towns or rural communities and farmers, to bear witness to the growth of the sector and the extensive opportunities for improvement of the compartment receptive in sustainable. A noteworthy example is certainly that of the Albergo Diffuso, horizontal formula of hospitality which is characterized to ensure authenticity to the offer of hospitality, and support to the economy of small rural areas. The subject of this thesis will be the analysis of a project to build a albergo diffuso, Borgo Dei Corsi, in the Casentino area in Tuscany, classified as one of the most beautiful villages of Italy
Silvia Guacci